The Ceiling of My Bedroom was Painted in Blue
2024, Plaster panels with photographic transfers, Wooden frames, Paper, PVC panel
Installation view at Acme Studio, London as part of the exhibition ‘Thresholds of Perception’, 2024
Consisting of a collage of imageries from family albums and lyrical text, The Ceiling of My Bedroom was Painted in Blue (2024) draws upon Dino’s childhood memories in his family home. The series of works primarily made from scattered plaster panels, uses the colour blue as both a visual and emotional current, stretching and enveloping the space. These imageries, either transferred onto the panels or placed alongside them, present love stories spanning three generations of Dino’s family.
When memories fall to pieces, we organize them and fall into pieces ourselves.1 Through this series, Dino explores the complexities of home as an impermanent threshold of personal history and an enclosed space for grieving its loss. By capturing fragments of fading memories, the works invite recollection, and manifest a phenomenolgy of place where collective notions of grief and the passage of time both set in motion and paralyze.
1 Rilke, Rainer Maria. (1923). Duino Elegies. Translated by Richard Howard.
Details of The Ceiling of My Bedroom was Painted in Blue (2024)